
    Production, Logistics and Aftermarket

    Production and logistics represent the core fields of the automotive industry.

    Production and logistics represent the core fields of the automotive industry.

    The Heart and Circulation of the Automotive Industry

    The VDA Production and Logistics Department unites and represents the automotive industry’s interests in the areas of production and supply chain management.

    One of our primary goals is process standardization in pre-competitive areas. In doing so, the department acts in the interest of both producers and suppliers in a national and international context. A committee composed of top managers from the automotive industry represents the two fields, respectively. The committees set the strategic focus and provide resources for working groups and projects. The Production and Logistics Department supervises all its committees and working groups and ensures interdisciplinary, national, and international networking.

    The Production section is concerned with the exchange of information on political topics relevant to production and with the pre-competitive standardization of processes relevant to production. The main topics are the technologies and effects of digitization on production, training and further education of production personnel in line with the technological transformation, securing and further developing production-relevant location factors, and the standardization of processes at the interface between man and machine. The activities are controlled by the VDA Production Committee.

    The Logistics section is concerned with the pre-competitive standardization of processes along the entire supply chain. The goal is to increase security, transparency, efficiency, and sustainability in all areas from inbound to in-house to outbound. The activities cover both the physical logistics processes and the digital mapping of the supply chain and electronic data exchange. The activities are controlled by the VDA Logistics Committee and several working groups.

    The Aftermarket Section, composed of the VDA Aftermarket Committee and several working groups, represents the interests of the automotive aftermarket. It looks after VDA members in this area, which covers the entire service and spare parts business as well as vehicle diagnostics and technical information within the automotive industry. 
    This sector is becoming increasingly important for both vehicle manufacturers and supplier companies. At the same time, manufacturers and suppliers are facing growing challenges. These include increasing technical complexity with implications for parts and diagnostics, rising logistical requirements due to the high diversity of automotive components, changing market structures, and the impact of legal framework conditions. 

    Production, Logistics, and Aftermarket Department – Production Branch

    Robert Cameron

    Head of Department & Teamlead

    Production, Logistics, and Aftermarket

    Kerstin Alscher


    Production & Manufacturing Process

    Sönke Ostendorf


    Production & Manufacturing Process

    Uwe Volmer



    Sascha Gröbel

    Team Lead


    Jenny Hertzfeldt

    Expert Supply Chain Digitalization


    Jakob Dotter

    Expert Supply Chain Digitalization


    Sebastian Klitscher

    Expert Logistics Process


    Karin Ghirodi
