Statement by President Hildegard Müller on the expansion of the energy cost containment program
Expansion to other than energy-intensive companies urgently needed
VDA President Hildegard Müller:
"Maintaining Germany's energy supply must have top priority. The gas procurement levy is a necessary evil for this, but its transparent and fair distribution is an important condition. The Federal Network Agency is required to regularly carry out its audit mandate with regard to the adequacy of the amount of the surcharge, as planned.
The surcharge causes energy costs to rise even further, and production declines or even failures must be prevented as far as possible. This applies to the companies in the automotive industry themselves and also to the companies in the supply chains. Should the latter only be able to produce less or not at all, this would have a significant negative impact on the entire automotive industry. A possible gas storage levy is also being examined. Here, too, all outstanding questions must be clarified promptly so that consumers and companies in Germany have the planning security they need.
In addition to the regulations that already apply to energy-intensive companies, we now urgently need a hardship provision, especially for medium-sized industrial companies. With the help of such a provision, burdens that threaten the existence of the company can be ruled out. Further relief is also needed, for example by lowering the electricity tax. In addition, the federal government must intensify its efforts to make Germany less dependent on Russian gas and enter more international energy agreements."