VDA President Hildegard Müller on US Election
VDA President Hildegard Müller:
"America has voted, Donald Trump will be President of the United States of America again.
There is no time to be surprised. It is now clear that the tasks that have long been known must be tackled quickly and decisively. This applies to our security and defense, as well as to trade and autonomy. Only with economic strength we will have a strong negotiating position. Many in Europe have not yet fully understood what it means to think about geopolitics and economic policy together. Economic strength ensures the relevance that Europe needs now all the more in this world – which it must then use responsibly, courageously and strategically.
For us, one thing is clear: the USA is an essential partner for Germany and Europe. Transatlantic cooperation is and remains of the utmost importance for both sides and is an important factor for global order and stability - especially in times of global crises. The greatest efforts of all partners must therefore be made, now and in the future, to maintain and expand the transatlantic partnership.
The German automotive industry has been present and successful in the USA for decades. The USA is an important part of the German automotive industry's production network, and the world market is also served from there. Last year, German manufacturers produced more vehicles in the USA than ever before. Half of the more than 900,000 vehicles produced in the USA were exported. The USA as an automotive location thus benefits from international trade and the commitment of the German automotive industry. The German automotive industry employs around 138,000 people in the USA. Of these, 48,000 work for the automobile manufacturers and 90,000 for German suppliers.
The US sales market is very important for Germany as a production location: In 2023, around 400,000 cars were exported from Germany to the USA. In the first half of 2024, the USA was the most important buyer of German car exports. For suppliers in the VDA, the USA is the second largest export market in the world after China.
For the German automotive industry, trade and investment relations with the USA are therefore of great importance - any change in the framework conditions can affect the economic situation of the industry and thus also employment in Germany, but also in the USA.
The USA has been increasingly focusing on its own interests first for several years now - and this trend will probably continue to grow. Germany and Europe must therefore take on more responsibility. It is crucial that Germany and Europe position themselves in such a way that we are fundamentally safe, more independent and more resilient. We must therefore first and foremost do our own work - in all areas.
At the same time, Berlin and Brussels must once again build on their joint strengths with the USA in economic policy. Only together we can overcome global challenges. Dealing with global crises requires long-term and sustainable decisions that are of central importance for prosperity, growth and jobs on both sides of the Atlantic. I am convinced that only by uniting forces - especially economic ones - we can lay our common foundation as the cornerstone for future norms and conditions on the changing world stage. Only united we can embrace our common interests and strengthen our influence for a stable world order. And only as a common economic area for the transformation technologies of a climate-neutral future we can advance climate protection globally and in the long term and thus successfully master this task of the century.
One thing is also certain: Germany, just like Europe, needs a strong and united voice now. The German government is now being called upon to examine whether it can meet this requirement. These are decisive moments - for the USA, for Europe and for Germany. And as always, fear is the wrong advisor. Now we need courage, self-confidence, strategic ability to act - and perspectives. Perspectives and target images with which we can convince and take people along with us."