- Topics
- Automotive industry
- Standardization and technical standards
- Ergonomics, visibility, and lighting
Norms and standards
International norms regarding ergonomics, visibility, and lighting
The DIN standardization committee on automotive technology combines international activities surrounding "Lighting and visibility" and "Ergonomics" in to one national committee for "Ergonomics, visibility, and lighting".
The DIN standardization committee on automotive technology combines international activities surrounding "Lighting and visibility" and "Ergonomics" in to one national committee for "Ergonomics, visibility, and lighting".
- Topics
- Automotive industry
- Standardization and technical standards
- Ergonomics, visibility, and lighting
Standardization at international level
The Automotive Standards Committee at DIN (NAAutomobil) combines international activities on the topics of "Lighting and visbility" and "Ergonomics" on a national level in a standardization committee for "Ergonomics, visibility and light":
Vehicle lighting
The topic of "Vehicle lighting" is traditionally dealt with in regulatory bodies. The subject of standardization accounts for around 5% of the total activities. The relevant international body is the International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (Groupe de Travail "Bruxelles 1952," GTB). This body was established to address lighting issues at the legislative level. The GTB submits relevant legislative proposals to the UN-ECE GRE (Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling), where they are integrated in ECE regulations.
The work group is currently dealing with the following tasks:
- Simplification of the Lighting and Light Signalling Regulation, Stage 2:
- Development of proposals on technology-neutral and performance-oriented requirements for signal lamps and headlamps
- Revision and simplification of UNECE Regulation 48 regarding the installation of lighting and light-signaling devices.
- Projection of symbols on the road surface by spotlights and lights for driver assistance as well as for providing information to other road users with the aim of increasing road safety. Introduction of new lighting technology functions:
- To make autonomously driven vehicles recognizable, also to other road users
- For identifying zero-emission vehicles.
- Development of a vehicle-based laboratory measurement method for headlamp beams.
- Headlamp evaluation systems. Transition to LED technology in vehicle lighting – implications for the replacement parts market and regulatory needs.
Symbols in vehicles
The key norm for this work group is ISO 2575 ("Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales"), which includes all important symbols and labels relevant for motor vehicles (see the following examples).
The ninth edition of the standard is about to be published; new symbols are added at regular intervals.
Human-machine interface
This working group for ergonomics deals with requirements and measurement methods for fatigue-free driving. Over the past decades, standards have been developed and published on the following topics:
- Integration of safety and time-critical warning signals
- Calibration tasks for methods drivers demand while using in-vehicle systems
- Ergonomic aspects of warning devices, displays, and audible signals
- Definition of visual displays
- Prioritization of messages
- Driver distractions.
In 2020, a new technical specification was created dealing with driver monitoring during activated automated driving and resuming control following the automatic function:
ISO/WD/TS 5283, Road vehicles – Ergonomic aspects of driver monitoring and system interventions in the context of automated driving
In addition to this project, work is currently underway on the following two technical reports, also covering automated driving:
- ISO/AWI/TR 23270, Road vehicles – Methods for evaluating other road user behavior in the presence of automated vehicle external communication
- ISO/AWI/TR 23735, Road vehicles – Ergonomic design guidance for external visual communication from automated vehicles to other road users
The topic of glazing is managed by the DIN standards committee "Testing of safety glass in vehicle glazing."