- Topics
- Automotive industry
- Standardization and technical standards
- Intelligent transport systems

Norms and standards
Intelligent transport systems
If an intelligent road transport system is to work, the interfaces among multiple shareholders need to be harmonized. This is what makes standardization so important: Only in this way can the various devices effectively communicate with one another.
If an intelligent road transport system is to work, the interfaces among multiple shareholders need to be harmonized. This is what makes standardization so important: Only in this way can the various devices effectively communicate with one another.
- Topics
- Automotive industry
- Standardization and technical standards
- Intelligent transport systems
Standardization as essential part of the ITS
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are designed to significantly improve road safety, make transportation efficient, improve comfort, and significantly conserve the environment and resources. For intelligent traffic flow control, advanced communication technologies are used to connect vehicles, infrastructure, and people.
Standardization is an essential part of the ITS specifications necessary if the multiple interfaces between the different stakeholders are to be made interoperable. In this context, a major challenge is presented by the diversity of the relevant technologies that already exist today among international competitors. Thus, various standardization organizations cover different aspects of ITS standardization.
The "Intelligent Transport Systems" work group attempts to cover the complexity of standardization in this field. Due to the international diversity, however, the committee concentrates on the following main points:
- Mirror to the European and international committee for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
- Exchange of information on ITS-relevant activities in politics (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure – BMVI, Federal Network Agency, European Commission)
- Information on current ITS projects
- Status reports from ETSI-ITS as well as agreement of ETSI-EN standards
- Reports on topics related to toll collection, mobility data marketplace (MDM), fare collection, dynamic data in ITS, eCall, and cooperative ITS (see national and international bodies).
Since the list of all active projects at CEN and ISO is very extensive, only projects that are currently of national interest are listed below.
Cooperative ITS
At the international level, this joint body is working on the following projects under German leadership:
- EN ISO 21177 (Rev), Intelligent transport systems – ITS station security services for secure session establishment and authentication between trusted devices
- CEN ISO/TS 21184, Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) – Management of messages containing information of sensor and control networks specified in data dictionaries.
In 2020, amendments were applied for concerning the projects EN 16062 (High level application req.), EN 16072 (Pan European eCall operating req.), EN 16454 (End-to-end conformance tests), CEN/TS 17184 (IMS switched networks), and CEN/TS 17240 (End-to-end conformance tests for IMS based networks). This has led to work on the following projects:
- CEN/TS 17642, Intelligent transport systems – e-safety – eCall interface between PSAPS and hazardous goods or transportation databases
- WI 00278570, Intelligent transport systems – e-safety – Guide for emergency dispatchers regarding operating problems with eCall.
Dynamic data in ITS
This work group combines activities from different European and international bodies on:
- Dynamic traffic data (DATEX II)
- Intermodal services
- Traffic management
- Parking management.
At the European level, the projects developed under the European Mandate M/546 on Urban ITS have already been published.
At the international level, some of these European projects have been adopted under the Vienna Agreement (CEN/ISO). Additional projects in PWI status on automated driving have been included in the ISO work program.
Regarding DATEX II, the following projects are currently being worked on:
- CEN/TS 16157-6 (revised), Intelligent transport systems – DATEX I data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 6: Parking Publications
- CEN/TS 16157-10, Intelligent transport systems – DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 10: Energy infrastructure publication
- CEN/TS 16157-11, Intelligent transport systems – DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 11: Publication of electronic traffic regulations (METR)
- CEN/TS 16157-12, Intelligent transport systems – DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information – Part 12: Facility-related publications.