Manufacturing and technologies

    Natural gas cars

    Alongside electromobility and fossil fuels, there is a range of other possibilities for powering a car. Natural gas is among these – and when used correctly, it is a very clean one, too.

    Alongside electromobility and fossil fuels, there is a range of other possibilities for powering a car. Natural gas is among these – and when used correctly, it is a very clean one, too.

    Solution for goods transportation

    The German automotive industry is working hard to reduce, supplement, and ultimately completely replace the use of fossil fuels. The main aim is to promote various promising technologies for alternative drive systems for different vehicle concepts (cars and trucks).

    Natural gas has certain advantages over other fossil fuels. It has a CO₂ advantage over gasoline of over 20%. CO₂ reductions of up to ten percent can also be achieved compared to diesel engines. However, natural gas vehicles only account for a small proportion of the vehicles on the road.

    Currently, liquid natural gas (LNG) is an important alternative to diesel for heavy commercial vehicles. Above all, liquid natural gas has the energy density needed for long ranges in road haulage. Initiatives to expand the gas infrastructure are to be welcomed, as the use of biomethane, in particular, as a substitute for natural gas in some European markets is an effective means of making freight transportation CO₂-neutral.

    Traffic & Transportation | Climate, Environment & Sustainability

    Götz Schneider

    Head of Department

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