- Topics
- Mobility policy
- Innovations, labor, climate protection
- People and mobility

Innovations, labor, climate protection
People and mobility
We focus on people: We want sustainable mobility offerings for every citizen, tailored to their individual needs.
We focus on people: We want sustainable mobility offerings for every citizen, tailored to their individual needs.
- Topics
- Mobility policy
- Innovations, labor, climate protection
- People and mobility
Individual mobility: Ecological, economical, and social
- Everyone has different mobility needs and prerequisites. We want to provide all citizens with a sustainable, individual mobility offering, because no one should be excluded from participating in efficient mobility.
- We want to connect urban and rural areas, pedestrians, bicycles, cars, trains, and planes, as well as living space and traffic areas, municipal and private mobility services, instead of playing them off against each other.
- We need holistic concepts for urban mobility that take into account the particular local conditions, incorporate the interests of all transportation users, and build on a dialog between all stakeholders. Isolated individual measures in urban transportation policy, such as the uncoordinated setting up of "pop-up bike lanes" or the closing of individual streets to car traffic, do not reduce traffic, but simply reroute it.
- Efficient logistics needs excellent infrastructure and the optimum use of the potential that digitalization and intermodality represent. A shift of goods to rail presupposes that this improves the efficiency of the entire transportation chain.
We want sustainable, individual mobility: Ecological, economical, and social
Mobility is only ecologically sustainable if it has the lowest demand for resources, raw materials, land, etc. in its overall balance. This requires taking the entire life cycle of means of transportation and traffic infrastructures into account. The isolated consideration of, for example, a powertrain system and its energy consumption alone is not in itself significant.
- Mobility is economically sustainable when it combines high efficiency and low costs from an overall economic and business perspective.
- Mobility is socially sustainable when it enables every citizen in Germany to move around sustainably, individually, and in line with their needs – at any time and in any place. This requires a sensible coexistence of all means of transportation and no political exclusion or artificial increase in the cost of individual technologies and modes of transportation.
We want to shape the future of mobility with intelligence, innovations, and investment.
- We want to offer all citizens as many mobility options as possible, tailored to their respective needs. To achieve this, the various modes of transportation must be optimally networked. Data, especially from public transport companies, must be available for multimodal offers. Private mobility services, such as ridesharing and ride pooling, must be networked with publicly financed mobility services to tap the full potential.
- Innovations are thus a better way to meet the challenges of traffic than driving bans and traffic restrictions: Alternative drives and fuels enable locally zero-emission traffic and can improve air quality in metropolitan areas. Connected driving can make mobility safer and more efficient. Traffic management, parking apps or such approaches as "community-based parking" can reduce cars searching for parking spaces. Autonomous parking ("valet parking") reduces the amount of parking lots required.
- Intelligent traffic control based on real-time data on traffic volume, traffic flows, weather, road works, etc. enables efficient and demand-optimized use of traffic areas without general speed limits and permanent restrictions and bans.
- In freight transit from the long haul to the last mile all modes of transportation are needed to cope with the traffic, as they each have specific strengths and complement each other accordingly. Therefore, all modes of transportation need an infrastructure that meets their needs, and their full potential for efficiency must be leveraged.
For this we need:
- Forward-looking and innovation-oriented regulation of mobility services that links public and private providers and services in an unbureaucratic manner. The Passenger Transportation Act needs to be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, adapted to enable innovative services and to scale them quickly.
- Overall concepts for urban transportation based on open and fair debates in cities and rural areas, so that the mobility needs of all citizens can be taken into account locally and no form of mobility is excluded.
- We reject a rigid nationwide speed limit. What is needed are intelligent, digital, and situation-specific solutions.
- Logistics must remain affordable. Unilateral cost burdens or requirements for certain modes of transportation are inefficient and hinder innovation.
- A critical view of the entire life and application cycle of each mode of transportation and mobility offering instead of an isolated consideration of, for example, the consumption of resources, raw materials, land, etc.
- A nationwide, powerful telecommunications infrastructure that enables intelligent traffic control and mobility services even in less densely populated areas.