VDA Statement regarding End of Traffic Light Coalition
VDA President Hildegard Müller regarding End of Traffic Light Coalition:
VDA President Hildegard Müller:
"In an extremely difficult global and economic situation, Germany needs a government that tackles the challenges in a united and serious manner. The fact that the traffic light coalition is no longer capable of doing this has recently become increasingly clear and public. The necessary cohesion has dwindled more and more, a common course was hardly visible anymore, and the uncertainty among citizens and the economy has become ever greater. Nationally, European and internationally, important German interests could no longer be adequately enforced. It is therefore apprpriate that the coalition partners have now drawn their conclusions from this.
The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, Donald Trump's election victory, a new European Commission, open trade issues with China and the uncompetitive state of Germany as a business location require a federal government that is capable and determined the most to act as quickly as possible. A strong German voice in Europe is also imperative - here too, Berlin has recently been anything but a leading player.
In the interests of the whole country, new elections must be held as soon as possible. Germany cannot afford any further stagnation in this situation. It needs a government that takes responsibility, strengthens its location, thus our economy and growth - which secures the future of work and employment."