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Market developments
Automotive industry in Germany with sales increase
Sales in the German automotive industry rose by 10% to €558.1bn in 2022. This means that sales in the automotive industry were almost 50% higher than the pre-crisis level of 2020.
Sales in the German automotive industry rose by 10% to €558.1bn in 2022. This means that sales in the automotive industry were almost 50% higher than the pre-crisis level of 2020.
- Topics
- Automotive industry
- Market developments
- Turnover figures
Despite a tense economic situation, the automotive industry was able to increase its sales from domestic production in 2023. Last year, it rose by 10% to just under €558.1bn. Part of the increase in sales is likely to be due to the still high inflation. The increase in sales was distributed roughly proportionally between domestic (+11%) and foreign business (+10%). Almost 70% of total sales came from foreign business, around 30% of which was from business with countries within the eurozone. Sales from business with customers within the eurozone rose by 21%, significantly more than sales with customers outside the eurozone (+6%).

The increase in sales extended across all manufacturer groups, with the manufacturers of motor vehicles and engines increasing their sales the most, by 11% to €451.8bn. Thus just over four fifths of the total sales achieved from domestic production were generated by the OEMs. The manufacturers of bodies, superstructures and trailers increased their sales last year by almost 3% to €14.4bn. The suppliers recorded a sales growth of 9% in 2023 compared to the previous year. Overall, the manufacturers of parts for motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines achieved sales of €91.9bn. This equals almost 16% of the total sales of domestic automotive production.
Data source: Federal Statistical Office
Last update: 29.05.2024