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- European Agenda
- EU mobility strategy

European Agenda
EU mobiliy strategy: 82 initiatives supporting the industry during the period of change
Whether charging station infrastructure, Euro7, or renewable fuels, the mobility strategy covers all decisive goals.
Whether charging station infrastructure, Euro7, or renewable fuels, the mobility strategy covers all decisive goals.
- Topics
- European Agenda
- EU mobility strategy
A road map for the future of mobility
In December 2020, the European Commission published its Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, outlining 82 initiatives designed to support the mobility sector as it faces multiple challenges. The contents of the strategy cover, among other things, targets for the fueling infrastructure by 2030, a revision of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID), a revision of the intelligent transport systems guidelines (ITS Directive), and a preview of the plans for the Euro 7 emissions standards.
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have decided to comment on the Commission's strategy. While their contributions have no legal consequences, they do carry political weight.