Clean. Safe. Digital

    How the German automotive industry remains the most innovative in the world.

    How the German automotive industry remains the most innovative in the world.

    An operating system for autonomous driving – Apex.OS

    Autonomous driving, connectivity, electromobility, and shared mobility - all four major disruptors of mobility are based on complex innovations in software. Until now, however, there has been a lack of a software platform that covers all requirements, from autonomous driving and vehicle movement to infotainment design and connectivity. With the result that productivity and rapid progress have been stymied. In the mobile world, iOS and Android SDK have long since accelerated app development, enabling a cross-vendor and cross-platform software ecosystem for the most diverse applications. In the automotive cosmos, Apex.OS can take on these tasks. Apex.AI's meta-operating system is the first software platform that is robust and flexible enough to cover all major systems in the vehicle as well as in the cloud. Apex.OS is a significant step toward autonomous mobility where software is truly integrated throughout the vehicle and in the cloud.

    Quelle: Apex.AI GmbH

    Apex.OS – the operating system for autonomous vehicles, certified by TÜV NORD.

    Invented by Jan Becker, Dejan Pangercic and the Apex.AI team. 

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