Production, logistics, aftermarket


    In production and logistics, the ideas of designers and engineers become tangible for employees and customers for the first time.

    In production and logistics, the ideas of designers and engineers become tangible for employees and customers for the first time.

    Value creation process and networks

    Production represents the value-added process in which individual parts are produced via modules through to finished products. Logistics forms the network that connects the individual production stages and makes the manufacture of the overall product possible in the first place. 

    Within the VDA, the following key topics can be found in the area of production: the effects of digitization on production, the training and further education of personnel in production, adaptation to the technological transformation, securing and further developing production-relevant location factors, and the standardization of processes at the interface between man and machine. 

    Production, Logistics, and Aftermarket Department – Production Branch

    Robert Cameron

    Head of Department / Branch